CCAB-I Representations on the CRSS


The COVID Restrictions Support Scheme is an important relief for businesses impacted by Government restrictions introduced for the purpose of preventing or reducing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

The legislation states that the objectives of the scheme are to provide economic stimulus to mitigate the dual impacts of COVID-19 and a potential no trade deal Brexit on the economy.

However, the relief as currently provided for in section 11 of Finance Bill 2020 is limited. CCAB-I have written to Revenue to express the view that in the current form, the scheme will not fully achieve the objectives as it does not provide any support for businesses which do not operate out of a premises, albeit such businesses are equally impacted by Government restrictions.

To view the correspondence please click here.

Please also see "
How to register for COVID Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) on ROS" by clicking COVID Restrictions Support Scheme.