Amalgamation Information

Information about the proposed amalgamation with Chartered Accountants Ireland

Full FAQ Document

The High Court has sanctioned CPA Ireland’s proposed scheme of arrangement which will facilitate our amalgamation with Chartered Accountants Ireland.  The amalgamation will become effective on the 1st of September this year, and will create the largest professional body on the island of Ireland. Following the amalgamation, our unified organisation will have a stronger voice and be better positioned to advocate on behalf of our profession.

If you have any questions about the amalgamation and how it may impact your studies or training, please email or attend our student webinar on 12 July. All students will also be offered the opportunity of a 1:1 meeting with CPA Ireland staff to discuss individual circumstances

Student Webinar 12 July 2024

Student Webinar 12 July 2024

Click here to view our recent student webinar which explains all aspects of the amalgamation

Student Webinar 12 July 2024

Student Webinar 12 July 2024

Click here to view the slides from our recent webinar

Amalgamation Information

Guidance for CPA Ireland students, their employers, and training firms on the proposed amalgamation of Chartered Accountants Ireland and CPA Ireland.