Accountancy Conference 2020


Accountancy Conference 2020
Dublin – 3rd & 4th April   |   Cork – 24th & 25th April


Updates for Industry & Practice

In 2020, CPA Ireland is combining the Practice and Industry Matters conferences to deliver a 1.5 day conference with top quality speakers and flexible subject options. Add the dates to your calendar now!

Taking place in Dublin and Cork this April, the Accountancy Conference 2020 includes a number of keynote speakers as well as a variety of breakout sessions covering topics relevant to accountants working in practice.

Participants will have the opportunity to choose the subjects most important to you and your business, allowing you to get updates that are relevant to you and make the most of your learning.

Topics include:

• Economic Update
• Digitalisation
• Tax Update
• Cyber Security & GDPR
• Practice Insights
• Employment Law & the Gig Economy
• AML War Stories
• Succession Planning
• Best Practice for Charities
• Professional Standards Update

Book your place at the Accountancy Conference now!