Purchase the Financial Reporting Module

This module examines the classification of Investment Property under FRS 102, providing an overview of how to account for investment property, including deferred tax implications and disclosure requirements for investment property, as well as how to account for transfers to and from investment property.
The module will also look at Provisions and Contingencies, covering the disclosure requirements, circumstances in which a provision should be recognised in financial statements, initial and subsequent measurement of provisions, and requirements of FRS 102 in relation to contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
About the Author:
Alan Bailie (FCCA, LLB) has a Bachelor of Law degree, and subsequently qualified as a professional accountant in 2008 with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He is currently knowledge manager with CPA Ireland and has presented on Financial Reporting in accordance with UK and Irish GAAP to accountants in both practice and industry.
Previously, Alan worked within the Professional Standards Department of CPA Ireland carrying out quality assurance monitoring visits of members in public practice to ensure maintenance of professional standards and compliance with the regulatory framework, including UK and Irish GAAP.