
Complaints against CPA Persons after 1 September 2024

CPA Ireland amalgamated with Chartered Accountants Ireland on 1 September 2024.  With effect from that date, all members of CPA Ireland have become members of Chartered Accountants Ireland and the operations of both Institutes are conducted by Chartered Accountants Ireland.

New complaints received relating to former CPA Ireland Members or Firms (CPA Persons) after 1 September 2024 will be processed by Chartered Accountants Ireland in accordance with the process set out in Chartered Accountants Ireland’s Disciplinary Bye-Laws and Regulations.

If you wish to make a complaint, this should be sent in writing to

Full details on the complaints and disciplinary process can be found on:

Complaints and discipline - (
If you wish to make a complaint against a CPA Person or firm and require further information, please contact Cáit Carmody, Executive Head of Regulatory Integration and Head of Regulatory Development at {to change to CA email address when its activated}.
For complaints made after 1 September relating to  CPA Persons, which relates to matters which occurred before 1 September 2024, these complaints will be assessed in accordance with the Constitutional documents of CPA Ireland in force at the time of the event as outlined below. The process though which complaints and any disciplinary proceedings will be handled is Chartered Accountants Ireland’s Disciplinary process, as indicated above.
  • Disciplinary proceedings in respect of  an event occurring or commencing prior to the Amalgamation Time will be assessed in accordance with the grounds for liability to disciplinary action stipulated in the CPA Disciplinary Rules in force at the time of the Event;
  • Sanctions imposed in respect of an Event occurring or commencing prior to the Amalgamation Time will be in accordance with sanctions available under the CPA Disciplinary Rules in force at the time of the Event;
  •  In considering whether such CPA Person is liable to disciplinary action,  only matters which would have been taken into consideration under the CPA Disciplinary Rules will be considered.
  • Publication of any finding or order in respect of such an Event will be in accordance with the CPA Disciplinary Rules.