Upcoming CPA Ireland Skillnet events for 2024

Click here for a list of upcoming CPA Ireland Skillnet courses.

*course dates are subject to change


To book any of our CPA Ireland Skillnet courses, please click on the links above or contact Aedamair Sheehan on asheehan@cpaireland.ie to register your interest.

*By booking and attending our CPA Ireland Skillnet courses & webinars, you consent to your information being shared to the Skillnet Ireland reporting programme.*

As of January 1st 2018, Skillnets are no longer funding training of unemployed delegates. However, CPA Ireland Skillnet will continue to offer a limited number of free places on our courses to eligible CPA Ireland members only. If you believe you are eligible to attend CPA Ireland Skillnet courses free of charge, please contact Niamh Sheehan on nsheehan@cpaireland.ie.

Please contact Niamh Sheehan on nsheehan@cpaireland.ie for more information and if you have any questions in relation to the CPA Ireland Skillnet.

